Monday, June 23, 2008

wow, what have you been doing....

So for the past couple weeks it doesn't look like I made a lot of progress. I need to start getting on this blog thing, or my status reports are going to continue to look really weak.

What did I do today? Basically restarted the analysis spec page from scratch and completed it! The previous idea of using the business object datagrid thing was a bit ambitious, and I learned my lesson. I've inserted a tone of blank comments, as you rewrote a ton of other functions (like main menu's defaults for analysisspec) So do that tomorrow, other than that, keep coding!

Think about calling arcGIS guys, or figuring the incompatibility out yourself as well. Try to get two segments done tomorrow, they aren't nearly as complicated, and you just memorized the scheme today.

Word up future me.

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